On the Local

Strange things that happen to me or people I know while in transit in NYC.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

8/27 23rd Street stop

Blonde: I know what you mean, I don't really like to drink at home by myself. You get buzzed and then what do you do?
Brunette: Exactly. I'm more of a binge drinker myself. Get wasted on Friday or something. I'd rather do that than just have a beer with dinner.

8/26 Across the street from a hospital

Hobo lady: I'm so sick. Please miss, give me two dollars so I can take the subway. I need to get to the hospital. I'm so sick.
Me: Um... (points across street to hospital.)
Hobo lady: Oh. (Continues on her way.)

Sunday, August 19, 2007

8/17 Astoria

5 year old preparing to race her younger sister: Ozzuremargs. Gessup. GO!

Thursday, August 09, 2007

8/9 30th Avenue

(Greek man is walking small, wet looking Maltese dog down the street. It barks constantly and is running back and forth, straining on its leash to attack everything.)

Greek passerby: Hey now, where'd you get that one?
Greek with dog: I don't know but it's crazy!

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

? On the Street

Hobo to Alaine: You're so pretty you could be a secretary!

8/7 47th Street

(We're walking to a restaurant when suddenly we notice it's not open yet. Quickly turn around and head back to the restaurant we were originally considering.)
Man in Suit, to me: That was a quick U-turn.

8/4 N Train Queensboro Plaza

Fifteen year old brother: (Rooting through his older sister's purse) Where's your glasses? Where's your glasses? (Finds camera, she grabs it)
Sister: Don't play with that. There's pictures on it you can't see. (Accidentally smacks me, doesn't notice.)
Fifteen year old brother: Ohh. There's them glasses. (Puts them on, he smacks into me. Doesn't notice. Sister tries to take a picture of him in the glasses.) Hey! You can't take a picture of me! My pictures are worth five million dollars. You may be trying to sell me to the paparazzi or blackmail me or somethin'! Hey, are these gonna ruin my eyes?