On the Local

Strange things that happen to me or people I know while in transit in NYC.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Grand Central 10/14

(I'm standing near the wall texting)
Homeless Drug Addict Man: Are you taking pictures? Can I see?
Me: Um, no I was just texting a friend.
Homeless Drug Addict Man: Oh. In that case can I have 50 cents?
Me: I don't have any money on me.
Homeless Drug Addict Man: Oh, well then can I have your phone number cause you look like you need a friend.
Me: I don't really give out my number, sorry.
Homeless Drug Addict Man: Oh, then why don't I give you mine and you can call me and we'll hang out!
Me: Maybe some other time. (walks away)
Homeless Drug Addict Man: Ok, see you soon friend!!!


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