On the Local

Strange things that happen to me or people I know while in transit in NYC.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

11/28 30th Ave

Crazy man on corner: You are very sexy and your boots sound like pretty hoofbeats.

Monday, November 27, 2006

11/27 Uptown C train

(Crazy man runs down the subway hooping and hollering. Stops when he gets to me and mutters something, then proceeds to grab my butt. I manage to get away and he continues down the car.)

Jamie: Wow, the crazies really like you.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

11/22 Crossing 42nd Street

Jamie and I walk together talking down the street. We split and pass an older woman on each side. What are the odds? Yup, she's a crazy. Starts screaming at us.

Crazy old woman: Hello!? If you're gonna pass someone, go around me, don't walk through me, b*tches!!! Come back here you b*tches! Don't just talk through someone! Go around!

(We look back)

Crazy Old Woman: Goodbye! Remember, don't walk through people!

11/22 Uptown Train

(Jamie ignores man sitting next to her whole train ride despite his attempts to talk to her. Right before she gets off:)

Crazy man: I've been trying to talk to you this whole time! I just wanted to offer you my hash brown!
(Holds out hashbrown.)

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

11/19 Bar in Lower East Side

A copy of "The Unbearable Lightness of Being" by Milan Kundera sitting on a table at the bar spawned a discussion of book buying and the reading habits of Astoria:
Briel: The library near us sucks.
Steven: Well, you look around and think, wow. These look like a lot of readers.
Alyssa: Well, maybe they read some...just not-
All three: In English.

Monday, November 13, 2006

11/13 Cab in Astoria

(Cabbie Laughs)
Briel: What happened?
Cabbie: That guy just crashed his car into a cop car.
Briel: Oh, that's embarassing.

Monday, November 06, 2006

11/5 9th Avenue Starbucks

Sam: You need to go get yourself a winter coat.
Teddy: I got this really warm one...
Random guy walking past: I wear Columbia.