On the Local

Strange things that happen to me or people I know while in transit in NYC.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

3/21 Port Authority Steps

The scene: Briel and I walk briskly to the subway... there are a lot of people around us. We kind of start to pass a group of foreign men (I'm judging by the odd hairstyles) when we attract the [unwanted] attention of a lone man by Port Authority:

Loner Crazy Man at the top of his lungs, leaning about a foot away from me: You work it ladies! Yeah! You go have fun tonight!!!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

3/11 30th Ave, Astoria

This may only be funny to Astorians...

Nice looking guy with ponytail: Excuse me, I'm trying to find 28th Street?
Me: It's not on this street. You have to go up a block.
Nice looking guy with ponytail: But that's 27th Street and 29th Street is back there-
Me: Trust me on this one, it exists. It's just not here. Walk up a block. It doesn't come all the way though like the other streets.
Nice looking guy with ponytail: This place is weird.
Me: Tell me about it.

3/11 Astoria

Short Asian Man: Um, Miss? Miss?

(Against my better judgement, I turn around.)

Short Asian Man: Excuse me, do you live around here? In New York?
Me: Yes, why?
Short Asian Man: Uh, cause... (long pause while we stand there awkwardly, me dreading what he's going to say and praying he's asking for directions.) Cause you're pretty.
Me: Thank you.
Short Asian Man: So where exactly do you live?
Me: I've gotta go, sorry, I'm in a hurry. (Honestly, I was, it wasn't a lie.)

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

3/6 42nd Street Station

(A police dog begins sniffing and following an African-American man.)

Large lady: [with conviction] That dog be racial profilin'! He's a rasict! That cop dog's a racist!!!